
Daaxit Blog

The Importance of Accounting in Construction

The Importance of Accounting in Construction

Accounting software is commonly used in the construction industry, but it is often underused or misused.  Accounting software plays a crucial role in a business, providing numerous benefits, including the automation of financial processes which saves time and reduces the risks of error.  Accounting software also makes it easier to track expenses, manage budgets and generate financial reports. ...

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CPA vs. Fractional CFO: Why Your Construction Business Needs Both

CPA vs. Fractional CFO: Why Your Construction Business Needs Both

Do you have the right financial people on your team? If you have a CPA and a controller, it’s tempting to think you have finance and accounting covered. But if you want to grow your business (and who doesn’t?), you need strategic, high-level financial expertise. Most contractors making $5 million to $50 million in annual revenue don’t have that expertise on staff—and it’s limiting their growth....

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5 Ways to Reduce the Cashflow Crunch in Construction

5 Ways to Reduce the Cashflow Crunch in Construction

As a contractor, you already know that managing cashflow in a construction business can be challenging. Contractors struggle with cashflow for several construction-specific reasons, including: Significant upfront costs for materials, labor, and equipment, which can create a cash shortfall for paying bills and purchasing new materials Seasonal demand that creates uneven cashflow when work slows...

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Top 2023 Construction Industry Trends: How to Achieve Record Profits (Part 2)

Top 2023 Construction Industry Trends: How to Achieve Record Profits (Part 2)

Earlier this month, we provided an update on 2023 construction industry trends as we look toward the midpoint of the year on the horizon. In short, it’s a mixed bag, with strong growth in late 2021 and 2022 slowing across some sectors of the market, and ongoing supply chain and labor market challenges exerting continued pressure through slow lead times, project delays, cost overruns, and more....

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Top 2023 Construction Industry Trends: A Midyear Review(Part 1)

Top 2023 Construction Industry Trends: A Midyear Review(Part 1)

It’s May, the midpoint of Q2—and a great time to take a moment for a midyear review of top 2023 construction industry trends and risks. Where is our industry relative to predictions? What emerging trends are we watching that business owners should be monitoring to ensure strong performance? 2023 construction industry trends First, a quick recap. According to research from Deloitte, 2023...

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DAAXIT or CPA? The 10 Advantages of the DAAXIT Difference

DAAXIT or CPA? The 10 Advantages of the DAAXIT Difference

Wondering whether you have the right financial people in place on your team? If you have a CPA, tax accountant, bookkeeper, or controller handling your business financials, you have some of it covered—but definitely not all. Most contractors earning $5 to $50 million in annual revenue don’t have the right financial expertise on staff—or the right adviser in an outsourced firm like a CPA—to help...

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Achieve the Next Level of Business Success

Achieve the Next Level of Business Success

Business owners often see their growth stagnate after successfully reaching their current level. The owner might have taken their business to $5 million a year but can’t envision the next level of growth and the transformation necessary with size. A limiting belief is holding them back. Limiting Internal Doctrine Syndrome (LIDS) presents itself at different phases of a construction company’s...

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What is the Difference Between a Monthly vs. a Quarterly Strategic Meeting?

What is the Difference Between a Monthly vs. a Quarterly Strategic Meeting?

Every business needs an accurate understanding of its finances so that both immediate financial health and long-term financial planning can be done well. The foundation of a business’s financial review is the monthly financial meeting and quarterly strategic meeting. These meetings each serve a distinct role but are essential. The Monthly Financial Meeting The purpose of monthly financial...

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Aaron Mills Podcast Interview with Spot Migration

Aaron Mills Podcast Interview with Spot Migration

Hosts: Have you ever wondered how successful architecture, engineering, and construction companies scale their businesses? And have you ever wanted guidance on how to get more growth, wealth, and freedom from your agency? Well, then you’re in luck. I'm Justin Nagel, your podcast host. We interview successful AEC business leaders to learn how they use people, processes, and technology to scale...

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Trends Your CFO Says to Watch in 2022

Trends Your CFO Says to Watch in 2022

2020 and 2021 radically changed the landscape for CFOs, and things don't show any sign of slowing down. Post-pandemic, we feel the rebound impacts, and those impacts are considerable and lasting. CFOs will be managing the dynamics of inflation, labor rates, cash flow, and automation through 2022 and beyond. Here are the five trends we feel are the most impactful in 2022. Inflation The elephant...

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Why Credit Risk Management Is Important to Contractor Businesses

Why Credit Risk Management Is Important to Contractor Businesses

Credit Risk Management Every business is an exercise in managing risk. We all know that risk equals reward, but the goal is to shift that equation as much as possible. Risk mitigation has tremendous value, and when coupled with increased profitability, the risk/reward equation moves in your favor. Contractors face more risk in business than most others. They have more moving parts, dependence on...

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How to Manage Contract Risk for Small Contracting Businesses

How to Manage Contract Risk for Small Contracting Businesses

Contract Risk Management For Small Business Every business is exposed to a risk of customer payment default if they extend payment terms. The most significant difference between a contractor and many other businesses is that the risk exposure can be far more significant for an individual customer based on the size of the job and the extent of the contractor's business that one customer might...

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Why Construction Firms Fail and How to Prevent It

Why Construction Firms Fail and How to Prevent It

Operating Capital It’s a difficult topic to address, but firms often fail. At one moment, a company can be exhibiting tremendous success, and the next, it is closing its doors. There are many reasons why companies fail, but they almost always end with the ultimate reason for failure to meet obligations due to a lack of working capital. Construction firms often face even more challenges than many...

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Why a Bookkeeping Service For Construction Companies Is Essential

Why a Bookkeeping Service For Construction Companies Is Essential

Business Bookkeeping Services Your contracting company is excellent at what you do. Customers send referrals, your rates keep going up, and people come to you knowing they'll get fantastic quality and service. Contractors are great at what they do, but bookkeeping isn't a part of that mix. Having an excellent bookkeeping service isn't just nice but essential to your profitability and keeping...

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How to Perform a Target Market Analysis for Your Contracting Business

How to Perform a Target Market Analysis for Your Contracting Business

Target Market Analysis & Market Barriers You have a fantastic idea for a new product or service that is unlike anything currently available on the market today. Unfortunately, if you have not taken the time to perform a market analysis, then it is all for naught. It does not matter how good your idea is or how well-made your product is; without a thorough and complete market analysis, it is...

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